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St. Francis Xavier Girls' High School

St. Francis Xavier Girls' High School


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“To interface with students globally on a single platform and give back to our Alma Mater what it rightly deserves.”


The former student association (FSA) with great joy was received on 31st march 1989 on the auspicious occasion of its centenary celebration. The association have new celebrated its 26 years. The year 1989 was a memorable year when the school celebrated its 100 years. (1889 – 1989)

In the centenary year of our alma mater the enthusiasm of about hundred former students gave rise to the birth of the former student association, previously known as the old girls association. This association existed from the time to time but there are no known dates or details of when and how it existed or exited. Since then more xavierites have enrolled themselves and the association has grown in leaps and bounds in the last 26 years. Association helps former students form links with the school and renuniance occasionally al that they had done during the years spent there.

The former student association has organized various activities time to time. Namely ‘Xavierite 90’ ‘Christmas Promenade’ on two occasions 2008 and 2010. To add to the festivities of the Christmas season ‘Carol Singing by Candle Light’ is a delightful experience, the concert of the century a new sieal over the rainbow directed by Kevin Oliver also a past student and Sen of our music teacher Ms Yvonne oliver. The play was staged for three consecutive days with two shows a day. It was greatly appreciated by the Principal Sr Malar, Schools and folks of Bangalore. The former students also felicitated the passing out students of Std X and celebration of teachers day often. In the past interhouse competition of teachers day often. In the past interhouse competition of both basketball/hockey and interschool tournaments were sponsored by the FSa. Not to mention a lot of activities in the past Vs Present category. In the last 15 years the former students have conducted the ‘food fest’ on the sports day as a fund raiser from mail contributions from friends and well wishers. The association with the funds at its disposal contributes towards scholarships for deserving or needy children. The funds have been bifurcated to assist past teachers (retired) in the teachers welfare fund and the student scholarship fund. Prizes in the form of incentives have been awarded to meritorious students and athletics. The association has donated shields/ cups for the sports day. The annual get together/annual general body meeting brings together a lot of xavierites with ‘faith and courage ‘ever burning exuding the simplicity and friendliness over the ages.

We do wish and hope that many more xavierite wil take an active part in the association and brighter its flame as the days go by…. We look forward to your participation and hope to hear your valuable suggestions and monetary assistance for any of the activities will be much appericated

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Through the ages, the sisters persevered in their mission with faith in God heroic courage and optimism, even in moments of great difficulties, opposition and challenges.